There is no cure for FXS, but there isn't one specific treatment. Fragile X Syndrome is a form of mental retardation. Medication to treat the symptoms and Education are the only ways to cope with this disorder at our current time. Our generation is the first to accurately be diagnosed with this disorder because of the DNA test developed in 1992. This test is accurate and can detect carriers and victims. Learning daily skills are difficult for children with fragile x to learn but also extremely important. Fragile X may be a cause of autism, which is a learning disability. children with autism have a lot of trouble adapting to change, and therefore require a strict daily routine. (ex. get up at the same time, eat at the same time, have the same getting dressed and hygiene routine, ect.) Children with fragile X often have difficulty with fine motor skills such as chewing, speaking, writing, coordination. the people around the victim are of the upmost importance. the family members are the primary caregivers and are the most knowledgeable about the child's skills and needs. speech-language pathologists help the child to learn to use the small muscles in the face and mouth to speak properly. physical therapists help the child learn balance, coordination, mobility. occupational therapists help the child to learn daily living skills such as getting dressed, and using silverware. teachers are extremely important because a fragile x child may have ADD/ADHD or other learning disabilities and will learn at their own pace and may use different learning techniques so they need much more one on one, individualized attention. without these people a child with fragile x syndrome may never learn to do normal things like walking, eating without choking, getting dressed, talking or reading.